Privacy Policy

Last updated at 11/07/2023

We would like to inform that we do not publish articles arbitrarily. A strict set of rules and guidelines are followed for the publication of article. Every article published on Agrivison4U must fulfill certain criteria in which quality and originality of the content is important to us. The article submitted must provide value and tangible insights and so it's thoroughly reviewed by at one of our editors or external reviewers before it gets published. Not every article survives the process. The author(s) must be aware that plagiarism is a serious offence. Any discrepancy related to plagiarism in the article will lead to disqualification of the article and editors or publishers will not be responsible, and author(s)will be the responsible person for such discrepancies

In Brief
  1. Article must be original and contribute substantially to the advancement of agriculture and biological science knowledge.
  2. Article found unsuitable in terms of the overall requirements of the magazine will be treated as rejected and notified to the authors.
  3. Articles will be notified to the authors for acceptance, need for revision paper.
  4. The MS should be written in Standard English. The authors should ensure that the language and grammar of the MS is correct.